Monday, September 24, 2007

Busy Busy Busy

Well, I missed most of the summer - we were just crazy busy - and I hope to fill in some of the details later! R has done so much work on the house - it's really coming along! J is settled in grade 3 - and he seems to love his new teacher. The house is drywalled - our concrete has been poured in the carport and workshop, and we're working on paint colours now. Any input would be greatly appreciated!!!!

1 comment:

Lindsey and Mike said...

Ohhh, choosing paint colors...that can be a little daunting. I love the color chip books at the paint store that have entire color schemes put together for you. It's nice that somebody got paid to do that...wonder if there's an opening for that job? :)

My family just moved in June and our house is painted with mocha (bathroom), variations of tan (bedrooms & front room & basement), and a sage-ish green (kitchen/hallway/front entrance). Our last house was mostly white but we're lovin' all the color.