It started off innocently enough. I was invited by several friends (which I ignored, thinking "it's not my thing", and "who has the time to bother with that?"). Then, about 3 weeks ago, curiousity finally got the best of me - I wanted to see the profile and pictures of my friend "Campellicious" and her daughter so I created my own account (you have to have an account to view somebody). Several of my friends who were already "hooked" soon appeared as my "Friends". They began writing on my wall. I have now been found by (or found) my primary school neighbors, my high school buddies, a bridesmaid, and on it goes. Now, less than a month later, I have over 130 friends! Yippee! I feel loved! By friendly FACES who will "poke" me, write on my wall, send me gifts or cute messages to my in-box. Very interactive (translated into time-consuming) - so much more than my blog has ever been (does anyone even read it, I often ask). But, I need to FACE the fact that I do need to curb this new addiction, so I will be back to blog more regularly again soon. I promise! Gotta run (can you guess where?)
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