Having said that, I was still a little anxious about him while he was gone. Paranoid mother, I guess. I kept thinking about the old, decrepid wooden roller coaster which was built in 1958. That thing always seemed like it was ready to fall apart when I was out seeking thrills on it myself as a teen! Today, it's almost 50 years old and I know it still reaches speeds of over 45 MPH! No, I could not stop thinking about all the train derailments I've heard about on the news over the years - most recently the one near Lytton. And these were trains chugging along on level terrain! With real engineers! Who maintains these rides? City staff? I know all about government cut-backs! I was also afraid that J would be pressured (or feel pressure) to go on rides he wasn't really comfortable with - because he would want to be a big kid too. Or, what if he got separated from the group???? Every possible scenario was entering my paranoid mind. Finally I broke down and called JM's mother on her cell phone. Once she assured me that my son was having a great time and was getting along fine with the other boys, I relaxed. He came back in one piece! He'd had a fantastic time! He was well-mannered and well-behaved! He didn't go on any rides (ie: the Zipper) that he didn't want to go on! But, he did choose to ride the famous rickety old wooden roller coaster after all - in the very back car!!!!!!!!!!!

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