Fast forward to my arrival at his daycare that afternoon for pickup..... Yes, he has a stack of forms and notices - treat day announcements from back in February, school newsletters dated March. But no Permission Slip! Because I am now skating (or trying to skate) with his teacher, I decided to mention this to her - even though I purposely do not talk about school or my son at these practices. At any rate, the next morning SHE reminds J that he needs to bring me the form so this is how I finally got it.
Anyway, late tonight (after swimming with BP), his mother asks me if I knew it was our turn to bring baking to school for treat day tomorrow. It is now 9:40 p.m. and she is working away in her kitchen making fresh rice krispie squares because her son just happened to tell her that he needed to bring treats tomorrow - and this was just before I picked him up for swimming and just before she and her husband were leaving for their baseball game. But at least he told her!
Needless to say, at 10:10 this evening (which is also a school night), J and I can be found up at the grocery store buying chocolate chip cookies (that actually look pretty darn homemade). But he never did tell me about my baking obligation tonight!
I do realize that my "covering" or "rescuing" him out of these predicaments is just enabling his forgetfulness and is really not helping him any - so why is it that I just don't feel right about having him show up at school empty handed or missing out on things?....
See but this time it wasn't his fault. Mrs. H never gave the forms out for this one, until yesterday. I'm good with my kid showing up empty handed. Seriously. I have three kids and need more than one night's notice. As we all know, I am NOT Martha Stewart. Also, I was too tired to go shopping again when I already had to do that for #2's preschool graduation stuff.
Aha! See, I just PRESUMED that J forgot to tell me (again)! Here I thought I was going to be worse mother of the year for not being more Marthaistic... Thank you - I shouldn't have fretted after all (I guess it's part of the learning process)
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