I just discovered I am now a "Society Girl". After our practice tonight (yes, I am still skating on Tuesday nights) we had our first "General Meeting" of the season (at Boston Pizza with nachos and refreshments). Our club is in the process of becoming a "society" which will help us out immensely -- especially with respect to our eligibility for grants and government funding. This is a very good thing because it turns out that this is actually quite an expensive sport when you factor in the ice time, skating dresses, coaching fees, association dues (regional and national), travel to competitions and hotels, competition entry fees etc........
So, tonight we elected our new board - President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. Naturally, I'm breaking into a cold sweat and thinking to myself that I can't possibly take one more thing on without cracking up completely. So, I was extremely relieved when four people volunteered almost immediately. We will have several fund-raising events throughout the year - the first being a garage sale this Saturday. This society girl (member at large only) has donated a few items and hopes to help out - if it works out with our baseball tournament and wrap-up.

At any rate, it sounds like it's going to be fun - and rumor has it that next year we might be competing in France! France!!!!! I already have stars in my eyes!!!! Hopefully I'm past the novice level by then - tonight my fancy footwork (NOT) tripped the woman next to me and we practically all went down like dominos..... And, J's teacher is still sporting a nice (large) green bruise from my grip on her shoulder (holding on for dear life really). Anyway, I am secretly happy that I actually took those skates off the wall, dusted them off, and tried this sport again - it's definitely been a challenge but it's going to be a lot of fun (as long as I remain off of the board of directors!).
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