This morning I decided that my next "project" would be to tackle the fridge and the freezer. Surely, we do not want to take the 3 year old ice-crystalized (and now dehydrated) chickens and salmons with us in the move. But why is it so difficult for me to toss this stuff out? Is it that I feel so incredibly guilty about wasting things? How many times have I made extra casseroles, just to rediscover them years later at the bottom of the freezer -- no longer fit for human consumption? And who designed these "deep chest" bottomless pit freezers anyway? My mother has an upright freezer and I can certainly see the benefits of that design!
Speaking of fridges and mothers..... My mother recently purchased a new stainless steel refigerator with many "whistles and bells". It's a real beauty and I've been thinking how nice something similar would look in our new farmhouse. But I'm having some huge reservations about making this decision. Our existing fridge has become our household's "Command Central", where we post notes, information, artwork, event tickets, baseball schedules, etc. I know that Martha Stewart would not approve of this look (tsk tsk), but I think it has far more personality and character than any stainless steel statue that must be wiped down for fingerprints every hour. My mother used to post our kid's artwork on her fridge, and now it is completely bare - devoid of any "I love you" notes and brightly coloured rainbows. She is always complaining about it too - and I think she wishes she had opted for the tradional white or black old faithful.
Anyway, I would be curious to see if anyone else has any thoughts on this issue. I'm thinking that for our casual tastes and lifestyle, we might just do better with a magnet-friendly, fingerprint-friendly fridge!
1 comment:
I can honestly say that I never knew that there was a fridge out there that was as adorned as mine. Good on ya, TT!! Personally, I would not have stainless steel. The general consensus is that the fingerprints and nose prints from the animals are incessant, and I know it would drive me crazy. I realize that the other fridges will have fingerprints and nose prints too, but at least you can't see them. Outta sight, outta mind!!
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