The "seven" years have always been significant to me. In 1967, Canada's Centennial year, myself and five other grade 1 classmates were placed into grade 3 - we had been part of an accelerated program and had finished two grades in one year. I remember how proud my parents were (although I'm not sure it's the wisest move for kids socially - always being the youngest and smallest). Today, one of my old friends from this group actually contacted me through Facebook!
Ten years later (in 1977), at the age of 17, I graduated from high school, had an amazing summer road trip through the States with my old friend Tina (whom I've recently reconnected with), and then started University in September. After a one month commute, I was accepted into residence at SFU and I had lived away from home from that point on.
In 1987 my first marriage was terminated - and, on the night Susan and I were out for nachos and looking through our Vegas photos - I was first introduced to R (this husband - the keeper!) by a friend of mine. We went on our first date later that year and dated for several months - but we decided to call it off in early 1988 as he was travelling to Asia, I was heading to Europe, and I really just needed some time on my own (we did get back together obviously, but not until 1990). So, we actually started dating (the first time!) 20 years ago!
Ten years later, in 1997, R and I had been married for two years and decided to sell our first little house. I actually gave up drinking completely that year (it's been 10 years now) and also found out we were expecting. We lost the baby, but it was a year of other losses too. In June of 1997 I lost my young friend (and co-worker) Chariss in a tragic motor vehicle accident on her way home from work - after we had worked - and shared many laughs - that day.
That was ten years ago already. Today we have a healthy son and are finally building the home we have been dreaming about. I will be attending my 30 year high school reunion this summer and am looking forward to seeing some old friends - many of whom I am still in touch with. I have changed a lot these past ten years, but I'm still the same in many ways. I still have most of my same great friends. I've seen my neice and nephew grow up so fast - and my nephew actually graduates this year! These past ten years have seen me develop new friendships through my family, my son, my extended family, my work, and through my church. My outlook on life has changed so much and my faith has also deepened. This year has also put me in contact with several people I had lost touch with along the way - but it's always so great to reconnect! I see I have been rather reminiscent and reflective lately - but I really can't believe how much life can dramatically change in just a mere decade!
1 comment:
The "7"s have always been very significant to me too.....but it's a lot more superficial, as you know, it's all about the diamonds....I love reading your blog, I learn more and more about you every day!!
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