"The trouble with being in the rat race is that even if you win it, you're still a rat."
The problem with having a nice long weekend usually lies in my lack of ability to successfully shift gears and get into the "back to work" mode fully by Tuesday. This is problematic because, after any weekend -- and especially a LONG weekend -- the first day back is always filled with catching up, cleaning up, looking up, and fixing up a heck of a lot of "stuff" that has accumulated and/or was missed over my days off. My in-tray will usually be taller than the Space Needle - and I'll have 40 unopened e-mails and 20 phone calls to return. Because I KNOW it will be like this (and actually dread going in) - today I finally got smart and was intentional in that I did not plan to accomplish anything! Lowered my expectations, you might say. I have tried to do it "all" before - but I and everyone else in my division knows I personally don't do all that well being pulled in twenty different directions at once. My boss must have even come to this realization about me as even he gave me the space I needed today. Anyway, my plan worked! I was not in panic mode. I was not cussing. I was not stressed out. I just steadily and methodically went through all of my emails, returned all of my phone calls, and tackled my in-tray -- dealing with each thing, one item at a time. And, I feel like I actually got a lot done!
Having said that, you are probably thinking that it's about time I learned how to effectively manage a "return to work" day. After all, I've been in the work force for many a year. But this was a big hurdle for me. Before having a child I was a workaholic - holding down usually 2 or 3 jobs at a time. I actually loved to work! Naturally, my priorities took an abrupt shift when J was born. I retired from my full-time job in my dad's business (and he retired with me), and I went down to the one job that I'd had on part-time basis since 1977. I still like working - and, for the most part, still love my job.
My husband R also has a job he really enjoys. He is also a very hard worker and I have a lot of respect for him -- and his work ethic. Man, the guy is working eight 12-hour days straight and then comes home to work around the clock on our new house. I do most of the "domestic" inside jobs (not so much his thing) but he's always outside building or fixing something. If not for us, he's usually booked to help the extended family and friends. Looking on the bright side, it is a good thing we both enjoy our jobs and are capable of working. I'm sure the mountain-high stack of bills (excavation company, engineers, designers, lumber yard, window/gutter/door/ manufacturers, roofer and other trades we've hired) is a pretty good indication of the fact that we are going to be at this "work" thing for a long, long time.
Anyway, I'm quite happy I've finally come to terms with the "return to work" day -- and it will be so much better for everyone in the future (family, friends, co-workers, general public, and boss) as I merrily sing (in my fine monotone voice) "Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work I go".

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