Saturday, May 5, 2007


persuade: One entry found for persuade (Merriam-Webster).

Entry Word: persuade

Function: verb

Text: to cause (someone) to agree with a belief or course of action by using arguments or earnest request

"She's attempting to persuade her friends to start a Blog."

Synonyms: argue, convince, get, induce, move, prevail (on or upon), satisfy, talk (into), win (over)

Related Words: cajole, coax, exhort, urge; lead on, seduce, snow, tempt; incline, influence, move, prompt, sell, sway; attract, bring, draw, entice, interest; chew over, converse, debate, discuss, dispute, hash (over), moot; reason (with)

* * * * * *

I really think that if I can do the "hip" and "cool" thing and "Blog", some of my friends should too!

Speaking of hip and cool - I never have particually cared if I was really hip or cool. I actually care even less now, perhaps that is partially because I have grown older.

It really hit me today when I took my son and his friend to the local fair. I clearly remember how much I used to love all the rides - the thrill of going fast and being tossed around and upside down -- and how it no longer appeals to me. At all. Is it entirely old age? I'm not sure. Anyway, now my biggest thrill is just watching their smiles! And speaking of persuasion - neither one of these boys could persuade me to ride that Scrambler! Or anything else!

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