ABOUT ME: I was adopted into this household about 12 years ago - She actually found me out "hunting" on the golf course and took me home. I became the beloved younger sibling to Sadie - who has since passed through the Purrly Gates into Purradise, bless her soul. Let's Paws for a moment while I point out that I'm getting "up there" myself. I'm almost completely toothless and can no longer eat dry kibbles. But I'm into tuna big time! I'm not an outdoor cat, except when I'm purrrrmitted outside in a harness (and only when They're out in the garden). Holy Whiskers! Even then I'm being watched like a hawk (She's quite over-purrrtective actually). Coyotes, cars, coons, you name it, She's had nightmares about it. That's my PET peeve....
ABOUT OTHERS: Well, enough about me.... Today her worry seems to be directed towards one of her friends (partially neutered male - or PNM) whom She feels is making a "CAT-astrophic" mistake. (Sorry, I know I've let the 'cat out of the bag', so to speak - but well, She has given ME the purrrmission to blog about whatever this cat may fancy). Anyway, this normally domestic, good natured, intelligent, and 'well-tamed' purrrson has recently stepped out of his sandbox and has developed a bit of a 'Tom-Cat' streak, so to speak. Now don't get Her wrong. It's not that She's upset that he's on the prowl fur a suitable feline. He's been pretty well confined to his own cat-cage since his sepurrration a few years ago. She's just worried he's been blindly purrr-suaded to rapidly exhaust his honorable 9 lives with this one seemingly unsuitable (quite puss-ably feral) and obviously 'in-heat' alley-cat and her young impurrrssionable litter..... She must admit though, he's sure looking like the cat who got the canary (more than once). What a purrr-dicament! I think we all need to be purrrraying for him!
ABOUT THE FUTURE: On another note, She has still not made much progress in purrrparing for the possible CAT-astrophe. Purrrsonally, I'm not stressing. She's obviously got Her priorities straight. She's already tentatively booked me at Renee's Retreat! Home away from home! I'm a repeat customer - having already had two vacations there this year. It's certainly the purrrfect getaway - with my own "spot" staked out in their bedroom. It's just MY time to get away with the "girls", chill out, get my nails done. You see, Auntie R (and Uncle I) have 4 cats of the female purrrsuasion (and sometimes even other vacationing cat-guests). It's all good! Ciao Meow for now! She's off to bed and I've got my spot there too - right on top of her!
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