But what was with today? At almost any given moment I had some angry, aggressive, hot-under-the collar speedster practically driving in my trunk. I am definately not a slow-poke - in fact, I myself had been a bit of a lead-foot on the open road in my youth. I loved driving full-out on those open interstate highways (I actually get this from my mother!). I've even been known to still pass the odd person (or tractor) myself when it's safe to do. But I always attempt to do it safely and never on someone's tail. I too get frustrated if someone is driving below the speed limit.
So today, while I was travelling exactly the same speed as the 500 or so cars before (and beside) me, I had several Mr./Ms. Impatient's just riding my bumper (both to and from work). What do they expect me (and whoever else they were behind) to do? If we speed up, we're going to be tailgaiting or rear-ending the next guy too. So what good would that do? Rushing might get this maniac wherever he's going a whole 2 minutes ahead of me - but the impending "accident" could get him/her killed.
I guess my real frustration isn't in someone just wanting to pass me -- I have no problem with that if it's clear to move ahead once they've done so. I always stay to the right and try to move over to let faster vehicles pass me when I'm driving up country - I acknowledge the fact that my little diesel isn't the peppiest roadster out there - and I prefer to drive extra cautiously on roads I don't know so well. I once hit a large doe that just jumped out in front of us from nowhere - with my son and my neice in the car (J thought I'd hit a kangaroo). It happened so fast - I remember the split-second choice I had to make: swerve and either drive into the oncoming Semi (left) or the steep embankment (right) or deer (straight ahead). I can't imagine how we'd have fared if I'd been driving too fast! Anyway, I just don't see the point in tailgaiting someone for 20 minutes and/or weaving in and out of densely congested lanes during rush hour.
Also, when I'm stopped on an incline, why does the vehicle behind me always seem to ride my bumper? I drive a car with a standard transmission (ie: clutch), and it can roll back a tad when starting forward. And it can roll back a heck of a lot more if you're new to driving a standard. Not so good for your new found bumper-buddy. Too close for comfort - a little space would be great!
Some days the aggression and hostility on the road really gets to me. Rarely is anyone polite on the road anymore. For example, how much behind will someone really be if they just let that one car in - rather than speed up and pretend they don't see it? Aren't they happy when the favor is returned? Or do they just plough on through. I know I've made some bone-headed mistakes while I'm driving too - but not deliberately. I try to drive safely, defensively, and courteously. I'm really thinking that Driver's Ed needs a whole course on manners - with some graphic examples of the consequences. Why do these drivers (often in big meaty trucks, huge gas guzzling SUV's, or revved up engines with big shiny mag wheels) think that they're invulnerable? Or more "important" than anyone else on our roads? Hasn't it ever dawned on them to just leave 10 minutes earlier if they have an appointment they can't be late for? Maybe I should just start waving and smiling at them like I know them. Is that a good idea? (Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated!)
M blows kisses, it's pretty funny. JH
I tried the "blowing kiss" technique yesterday - too funny! He must have liked it too because he gave me the 3rd finger up (2 fingers higher than the thumbs up one so he must have REALLY liked it!).
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