Every once in a while I decide to book a day off right smack in the middle of the week. Today was such a day! After I took J to school, I ran some errands, did some house project phone calls, paid some bills, cleaned out my bedroom closet, did 3 loads of laundry and took the dogs for a long walk (it was such a beautiful, hot, sunny day!). After school J and I headed into Vancouver (skipping baseball practice) to meet up with my good friend LK and her son JJ (who J just adores). They'd flown into town from the interior for a few appointments. We picked them up and headed down to Stamps Landing in False Creek for dinner on the Monk McQueen's patio. What a beautiful spot - we all loved watching all the sailboats and kayaks in the harbour - with the snow covered mountains behind them. Our visit with my longest childhood friend and her son was great! L & I actually can't believe we'll be attending our 30 year high school reunion this summer -
do we really look it? I'd like to think not, but our kids both say "yeah, you're old".... After dinner, we headed to my sister's house to have a quick visit there - she wasn't home but my parents were - so J played with his younger cousin for a bit. Then we drove down to "de la Casa" ice cream parlour on Venables - they have the absolute widest selection of ice cream, sherbets, gelatos you have ever seen! They have this nifty system where you pay first, and then they give you these coloured tokens (not unlike a Vegas chip) which tells the "scooper" how many scoops you're entitled to - and what type of cone (yes, quite an assortment). I had licorice ice cream! It's my favorite and it's so hard to find anymore. L commented that the times have sure changed - we used to know where all the great "watering holes" and night-life haunts were in Vancouver, now we just know where to find the good ice cream! Anyway, we all had fun and certainly enjoyed the spectacular Vancouver evening!
We sure had fun last night, didn't we?
I think I might have been to that ice-cream place. I had safron and pistachio and it was amazing. Sounds like a fun day!
Oh, I knew I liked you for a reason. Licorice is my favourite ice cream too! Yumm.
Yes we had fun! That's probably the same place! They also had curry and raisin, green tea, some spicy chile one, and DILL PICKLE! Perhaps designed for the expectant mom? You name it, they have it! None of us were that brave however - I think they all got some variant of chocolate and/or coffee.
Fun day.....yes that is my favorite ice cream place.....and I always get mint chocolate chip. I think I am old too.
feeling old must be in the air and love of ice cream - yum yum. jamoca almond fudge...
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