J and his good friend C participated in the PM Day Parade today. It was scorching hot out so after the parade was done the boys changed and played in the spray park and fun zone. We had a highly nutritious (NOT) lunch consisting of hamburgers and hot dogs with drinks, chips, popsicles (which both prematurely melted off the stick), and kettle corn -- but they sure had a great time for the few hours before their big "Demo Team" performance!
Did I mention that my dear husband and dear father were slaving away in the heat on our construction site and unable to attend the said festivities?
Your diet sounded very similar to ours today. Shannon, the twins and I had a "sauna train ride" in Squamish today. Kettle corn, lemonade, and a highly nutritious McD dinner rounded out our very fun day!!
Oh, you saw Thomas the Tank Engine! J was crazy about Thomas when he was two. He even knew all their names - Gordon, Edward, Percy.... Pre the "Bob the Builder" stage, he watched the Thomas movies over and over and over and over.....
I have been a friend of Thomas for almost 20 years, when all you could buy in Canada was 6 little metal trains, and we rented the videos. This was before the tv show.....my mom and I use to take great joy in finding them at a little toy store in Lougheed Mall. I still remember how hard Gordon was to find, and we discovered him at the Stanley Park train station store at a Christmas train event. We are going back to at least 1991 here.........
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