Today was just insanely nbusy:
5:30 - woke up, showered, and finished laundry (J needs to have a clean baseball uniform)
6:30 - woke J up, then dressed him for baseball
7:00 - arrived at the M.R. Hotel for Synchro Skating Garage Sale (setting-up for our 8:00 opening)
8:45 - Urgently left for Tim Horton's as J had a very bad tummy ache and needed a bathroom - NOW!
9:00 - J throws up in parking lot of Timmy's (after the mad dash to bathroom)
9:15 - deliver coffee & tea to garage sale but inform them all I need to take J home (had also bought a dozen donuts just like several other people had - so they tell us to take them home)
9:30 - J returns to bed and I begin re-washing his baseball uniform
10:35 - uniform is freshly laundered (and almost dry) - wake J up
10:45 - J is back in damp uniform and in car headed to tournament
10:56 - arrive only 4 minutes prior to game (coach wants us there 45 minutes prior but uniform was still on spin cycle and child was still recouperating from illness which has now been put on back burner)
11:00 - Game begins in pouring rain (J is playing catcher, strikes out once, gets on base once, walks once - not bad, considering he is likely sick and we are now ignoring this fact)
12:30 - Game ends in pouring rain (we've lost, 7 - 0)
1:00 - Drop donuts off at Salvation Army shelter, run errands, fill up tank
1:45 - arrive at home but remember we needed to stop at another friend's house (our 95 year old friend who still lives on her own)
2:10 - arrive at friends house but now realize we have a very low tire and therefore will need to cut visit very short
2:30 - leave our friend's house to fill up tire
2:45 - arrive at grocery store with full tire and buy fresh fruit and veggies
3:45 - arrive back home - put J down for another nap, unload groceries, wash ball uniform for 3rd time today (yes, we need it first thing tomorrow).
4:40 - start dinner
5:00 - wake J up, feed him dinner (still not very hungry), and dress him
5:30 - leave for church (leave food on stove for R, leave dishes on table)
5:50 - Greet at church until 6:30 service starts
6:30 - check J into Sunday school and head to nursery
7:45 - leave nursery shift to finish "un-greeting"
8:00 - J comes out of Sunday school signed out by George (oops, I hadn't had the time yet to get him myself and sign him out)
8:15 - leave church only to discover that tire is now completely flat. Call husband as most people have left church already
8:20 - group of Youth leave church and graciously offer to help change tire!
8:30 - tire is now changed when R arrives. Thank everyone for their help!!!!!!
8:45 - see bear on our street!!!!!
8:55 - at home finally - J wants to play "Clue"
9:30 - Dad wins at Clue, everybody gets ready for bed
9:45 - Everybody is finally in bed (except me!) who remembers to feed dogs and cat, do dishes and finish that laundry
10:20 - Remember to blog, but do not feel terribly inspired.
10:45 - Good night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:
THat looks like a certain DB fixing your tire. He's one of the kids in my youth group. Good kid - but don't tell I told you. He plays up the tough guy but inside is a softie. He's Pastor Steve's son's best buddy.
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