Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A Flash (from the Past)

Well, it came today.... The official "invite" arrived in my in-box with details of my 30 year high school reunion. THIRTY years!!!! What happened???? I can hardly believe it, really! Can we really be that old? Can it really be 30 years since we were in High School? I still actually think of myself as a young person!!! Delusional????? Perhaps!
What seems particularly bizarre to me is that several of my son's friends parents are actually quite worked up about turning the big "3-0" this year! These people weren't even BORN when I graduated from high school! Unbelievable, actually. Do they see me as an really OLD person? Am I fooling myself?
Twice in the past two years I have been asked if I was the "grandmother". My friend PT thought this was a hoot! I, on the other hand, was mortified. I thought that Miss Clairol had everyone fooled.... But the truth of the matter is that I actually like myself better now - at this age - regardless of what I look like. I honestly do not even resemble that girl in my yearbook. And, I think that most of the others from my class probably look (and feel) better now too!
So I am excited and looking forward to the reunion - it's always fun to re-connect with people from our past! I've found I've also had a great time at previous reunions just talking to the people I didn't really chum around with in high school. So what if we're a little grayer, a little chubbier, a little more follicly-challenged? I think we all are probably better people now! Sure, there's a few people who have had some tough miles under their belts, but most people are now at the point where they are less guarded, more open, more accepting, more interesting. I really hope that the people who "couldn't be bothered" to attend at our past reunions have a change of heart. Isn't this part of their journey? Or are they "above" us, or worse, feel as though no one cares?
Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing the old gang again - and I'm wholeheartedly trying to pass the info about our reunion on! Even if it doesn't seem like it could really be 30 whole years.....


Michelle said...

OK - whoever asked if you were the grandmother was delusional. Completely. Cripes. You DON'T look like a grandmother.

Joanne said...

Yes, I received my 30 year reunion invitation last week. I am still undecided. And no you DO NOT look like a grandmother. (but we really are old enough to be grandmothers, you know? And my children are even old enough to make me a grandmother.....scary, isn't it?)