Monday, June 18, 2007

My Sick Child : (

J and I were up and were just about ready to fly out the door for school when he made another mad dash to the bathroom. Sick again! I honestly thought he was better because he hadn't thrown up since the middle of the night Sat/Sun -- and had been saying he felt just fine. At any rate, I decided to take him to the clinic because this has now been going on (and off) since June 8th. He gets sick, then feels better, and the only complaint is that he's a little tired. So, we're off to the doctor on my little spare donut tire, but stopping en route to drop my car off at the tire shop. Joanne, bless her heart, drove us to and from the clinic, where after a 2 1/2 hour wait and a diagnosis of "it's just one of those kid stomach things - make sure he gets plenty of water", we were back at the tire store looking at 4 brand spankin' new tires. Apparently 2 of them had a "little life" left in them, but with my track record of flat tires/breaking down, I'm no longer prepared to risk it.

Anyway, because it was noon by the time we'd been to the doctor and paid for the new wheels, I decided it was pointless to go to work. This was confirmed when I checked in again with my boss (who seemed more than a tad grumpy). C'est la vie, I normally always go in (sick or otherwise) - and last year I took only half a day off when I was really ill and diagnosed with pneumonia. It was only when one of my co-workers suggested I go home and then reminded me that none of our tombstones were going to say that we had a perfect track record at work anyway.

Anyway, J is rested and was feeling much better this afternoon - which is great! Back to school and work tomorrow! P.S. I think being a stay-at-home mom is far more exhausting - especially with a whining kid!!!

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