Sunday, June 3, 2007


Today we trailer trashed folk are true to life "rednecks"! Yup, every one of this trailer's inhabitants now has a red neck!

Naturally, my sister D blames this on the fact that I am often neglectful in checking expiry dates of my purchases. Several family members got pretty toasted in Mexico back in January - when she couldn't figure out why, she checked my tube of sunscreen - it was dated 1996! Oops! Almost as bad as my pantry's 1992 Jamaican Jerk sauce! This was new lotion yesterday though - we obviously just didn't re-apply it soon enough after the spray park. But today we Rednecks were well "greased-up" in my Super-Duper 70 block!

House Update:
R, Cousin B, and Doc have been plugging away on the siding, building window sills, building stairs for the Workshop, and doing some stereo wiring.

1 comment:

Joanne said...

Your house looks fabulous!!!