Monday, May 14, 2007


I have now been accused of becoming a Blogoholic. Yes, I admit I've developed a new passion for this whole blogging thing - but it truly keeps me from mindlessly grazing in the kitchen before bed time. It also gives me an excuse not to pick up the book I'm attempting to read (which was started in Mexico back in January). I just can't seem to get through it. It's incredibly borrrrring but I keep hoping it's going to eventually pick up. I've even read several other books concurrently (feeling guilty about he first one, would you believe?). I feel bound/committed to pick this one back up again, knuckle down, persevere, try again. It's rather unfortunate that these kind of books just don't come with Cole's Notes or some other brief synopsis so I could be done with it once and for all....

My good friend LK came down from the interior with one of her three sons and her dad. She's been one of my closest friends since elementary school (now that's a few years)! It's always great to visit with her - and we hope to get up to her place for a visit sometime soon. She's also promised me that she will return for our (gulp) 30 year High School reunion this summer. I'm going to hold her to that! Anyway, they came out to watch some of J's baseball practice (L's dad and my dad had a nice visit too) - and then they came down for a brief tour of the new house (we'd left J with his dad & grandfather at practice). They'd left by the time J and the crew were home from baseball - and J was very upset he'd missed them. Lots of tears! You see, Auntie L and her great kids have always been so good with J - and this one (L's #2) is a promising 17 year old hockey player whom my son just adores.

Anyway, I'm going to cut it short tonight just to demonstrate my exceptional willpower. I'm curbing the urge to "blog on" - and maybe I'll even get another page further in that darn book.


Joanne said...

When you find something that you love to do, then you should just do it. I love reading your blog. And if it wasn't for you, then I wouldn't have learned how either. Thank-you for blogging!!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't that the book you tried to pawn off on me? Oh my .............

TrailerTrashed said...

Perhaps you could read it for me and then let me know how it all works out!