Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Scars on Ice

Although I neglected to mention it yesterday (too busy ranting about road rage), I laced up those figure skates once again last night. And although I'm feeling a tad more "balanced" this week, my feet were just killing me. Throbbing, in fact. Maybe my feet haven't grown, but the bunions sure have! The session went longer and I was thrilled to find out an old friend of mine is on the team. I'm still very shaky, but they were all still very encouraging. Hopefully this attribute will not wane in several weeks - I think it's going to take a while... After our session we headed to Boston Pizza for some refreshments - and DH treated us to some awesome "cow chips" and nachos. It was fun to be out with a group of women and I enjoyed catching up with my friend RW. So, I signed up to be a full-fledged team member! It's my personal challenge - to relearn some of the moves that came so naturally to me 30 some years ago.

Unfortunately though, I woke up this morning only to discover several nasty looking large blisters and scabs on my feet and ankles. Even on the tops of my toes and feet. I should probably look at having those skates stretched - maybe they could do the same for my summer clothes.

By the way, I have not yet managed to read even one more page of that book I started back in January. I tried, but fell asleep two nights in a row - and had to re-read the page I'd already previously started. Twice. But Lo and Behold, my friend MP gave me a book this morning. HER book! A short story written by her! And, signed by her too - with a very thoughtful note! I was thrilled.

Tonight I took J and his friend BP for our Wednesday night swim - we've been going on a pretty regular basis lately. I opted not to join them in the pool tonight - I wasn't sure if the chlorine would bother my feet and ankles - as they're pretty torn and shredded up from my new sport. I really didn't want to flaunt two legs that looked like they'd stepped into a garbarator. And, I was anxious to start my new book! I managed to read it all while they swam - it was very moving and in a few places it actually brought me to tears (which I blamed on the heavy chlorine smell of course). I really enjoyed it - it was a short story called "Love's Blessings" about a couple struggling with the challenges of infertility. I do hope she writes more - she really identifies with some of the feelings a couple going through this has. And, it was way more interesting than that book still sitting on my bed - bookmarked for weeks at page 152. Thanks MP! (aka MG Braden)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can I read your new book? I know the author and love her too. J